Stories From the Heart: A Mother’s Day Tribute (link to view)

Here it is – Our family’s television debut!! Eli’s story is the first one (at 1:28). Additional parts of our interview are shown throughout the program (at 31:19, 37:22, & 54:45). The whole show is heartwarming and each story tells why Seattle Children’s is so special. If you have the time, please watch the whole thing. Donations to the hospital are always accepted and greatly appreciated. You can donate here. Our family thanks you!

❤️❤️Watch Stories From the Heart: A Mother’s Day Tribute HERE❤️❤️

Also, busses have been spotted all over Western Washington with Eli’s sweet picture. We saw our first one a few days ago. It. Was. Surreal.


I can’t say it enough – Thank you! Thank you for your continued support of our family. Thank you for loving our boys. ❤️

8 comments on “Stories From the Heart: A Mother’s Day Tribute (link to view)

  1. It was a beautiful, heartwarming collections of events, not stories but real events that each family overcame with the help of Children’s Hospital. I am so happy for your family, that everything worked out so well for Eli. You are inspiring all of us to keep the faith and trust ourselves, our families and our physicians. May you enjoy a wonderful Mother’s Day!!! Love & hugs, Jouella

  2. Melanie….
    Well, isn’t this just amazing?! I found your Blog the other day. I, too, was born with craniosynostosis, among other birth defects. I am now 30 years old. I love, love, love to write!! I do live with learning disabilities. Unfortunately. But, I’m slowly being taught, that, in so many ways, as Tony Stark/Iron Man said in “The Avengers”, “It’s a… terrible privilege.” Everything is. It’s my cross to bear. Eli–I love that Bible name!!–is, as my phrase goes, Beautifully Unique!! The moment I saw Eli’s almond-shaped eyes, I knew. He has Down syndrome!! See. I also have a 21-year old brother–named Michael–who has Down syndrome!! He is my best friend, we share everything with each other!! Thoughts. Feelings. Interests. Each other’s rubber croc-like shoes, even!! Michael is constantly amazing me!! 😉
    Keep posing. I want to watch Eli grow up!! I really enjoy your Blog!! 😉
    Love you later, Raelyn

    • Hi Raelyn, I’m so sorry I didn’t approve this comment and respond sooner! I’ve taken a bit of a blogging break and didn’t realize I had unapproved comments waiting for me. I loved hearing your story. You sound like a strong woman! Michael sounds pretty awesome as well. What a unique and special connection you both have with my sweet son. I will return to blogging and sharing Eli’s story soon – I promise! Thank you so much for reading and loving my little boy. ❤️

  3. Our son, who has DS, was diagnosed with IS 19 days ago. We have begun weaning from meds this week. Anyway, it was a huge encouragement to see Eli and how well he is doing on this side of the journey. We have watched our son completely regress from being on target with his peers and laughing and smiling and curious to about the level of a 3 month old. He is 15 months now. He is hard to reach and zoned out much of the time. And after watching him do therapy 3 hours a day since he was born my heart breaks for him to have lost so much ground. It gives us hope to know your son is doing so well. Thanks for sharing. I know in a world where you are dealing with special needs it can be hard to find the time to write blog posts so I wanted you to know you reached my husband and I today.

    • Thank you for your kind comments. I hope your son comes out of the fog soon. I know how frustrated, discouraged, and all around sad you and your husband must be feeling. It will get better. His personality will return. The milestones he’s lost will come back. Have patience and have faith. Many blessings to your family. You are in my prayers.

    • PS. I forgot to mention…. I also wrote for the same Blog a fictional love story about twain characters who were born with craniosynostosis!! I posted it months ago in February…. 😉

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