
First of all, if you found this blog by searching terms like “Down syndrome prenatal diagnosis” or “positive MaterniT21 test” welcome to the most exclusive club you never knew you wanted to be a part of! Getting a prenatal diagnosis that your baby has Down syndrome can be scary, very scary. But, somewhere along the way, you will realize how blessed you and your family are. We are the lucky ones.

I remember reading messages and blogs of other mommies of children with Down syndrome who would say how great life was, how normal things were. I would always think that they had to say that. But here I am, almost 2 years after our unexpected journey started (we received a positive MaterniT21 test in May 2012), to confirm that life is good. In fact it’s wonderful! Read this blog. You will see it hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows. There have been a lot of dark days (especially in the beginning!) – but what I’ve gratefully come to realize is you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. It’s about seeing life differently now. A new perspective. A new journey.

My name is Melanie. I am a stay at home mom to two wonderful boys. Our oldest, Cody, is 3 1/2 years old – our little red headed spit fire. He’s a funny, sweet, rough and tumble boy with a wild imagination. We welcomed Eli into our family in October 2012. He’s cute as a button, melts hearts with his smiles, and has the most contagious laugh. He was prenatally diagnosed (at 14 weeks with MaterniT21) with Trisomy 21, more commonly known as Down syndrome. He spent 7 days in the NICU at birth. He has conquered open heart surgery (to repair a VSD), Bronchiolitis (which landed him the hospital for 7 days), Infantile Spasms (successfully treated with ACTH), and recently (October 2013) underwent skull surgery for a very rare condition called Lambdoid Craniosynostosis. Through it all, his smile is the brightest one in the room!
My husband, Chuck, is the best father and partner in the world. This blog is about our journey. A journey we did not chose, but were chosen for. It is a raw reflection of my thoughts and feelings in the moment. Sometimes, I may not say the “right” things. You may sense my frustrations at times, but I hope to mostly reflect the joy my sons bring to our lives. Please join us for the adventure – our journey through life!





15 comments on “About

  1. Thank you Chuck & Mel for including us in on your journey together as a family 🙂 Many miles may separate us, but you’re always in my heart and prayers!

  2. I hope this message finds you doing well. This is Michael from Healing Helpers. We are so glad to see that Eli got his Healing Helper!!! 🙂 I wanted to ask if it would be ok with you if we shared those pics with our Healing Helpers followers on facebook. Let me know 🙂

    • Hi Michael! You can most definitely share those photos of Eli. Thank you for all the work you do for kiddos, sick and healed. Eli loves his frog, “Corbin”, and I’m confident he will for many years to come. Such an awesome company you have!
      God bless,

  3. Hi Melanie, I found this blog on Facebook and I absolutely love it! I am the New Parent and Family Support Coordinator for The Up Side of Downs in Northeast Ohio. I would love you send copies of your latest post (If I knew then what I know now) to expectant parents in our area if you would be ok with that. I would also like to post a link on our website if that is ok with you as well. I think it is so beautifully written and so very true! My email is lauriek@usod.org. Thank you, Laurie Kowalski

  4. I’m sorry Melanie–I just re-read my post above and I meant to say “I would love to send copies….”

  5. Hi Melanie! I came across your blog today and had a quick question. I would love it if you were able to email me. Thanks so much! Hope you are having a great day. 🙂

  6. Our pediatrician recommended your blog – and I’m enjoying it! I too am carrying a little baby girl prenatally diagnosed with DS. She’s due in 2 months! Of course I’m reading all the mama DS blogs I can! Enjoying yours, thank you!

    • Congratulations on your baby girl, Rilla!! I am so glad you are enjoying my blog. Please reach out if I can help in any way. Good luck and welcome to the “club”!

  7. Hi Melanie! I am a mommy blogger and recent author. I have a 5 year old son who has Down syndrome, and he experienced several of the health complications your little guy did as well. I recently published a book called “Reflections from Holland: A New Mother’s Journey with Down Syndrome.” If I send you a copy, would you be willing to post a review on your blog? I blog at http://www.reflectionsfromholland.blogspot.com. Thanks!

  8. Hi Melanie! I am glad to read your blog by seaching “infantile spasms”. Just like you, i am two boys’ mom and my younger son just diagnosed as infantile spasms. I need your help. Would you please give me some suggestions to ava.liou@gmail.com? Thanks in advance.

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