The anticipation is building…

It’s Super Bowl Sunday! I love this day. I love it even more because my beloved Seahawks are playing.

There’s a buzz around the city. Everywhere you look there’s something that represents the Seahawks. We have our flags up and our jerseys on. Even the Empire State Building in NYC has been lit up in Seahawks colors most of this week!

This is only the second time our team has been to the big game. Last time, 8 years ago, our hearts were left broken amongst whispers (or screams) of referee incompetence. I left the bar in tears. I was devastated. But, this time it’s different. We go in with the #1 ranked defense. Yes, we’re playing the team with the #1 ranked offense – but it’s been said many times before DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS. This is OUR year. We are ready. We’re all in!


Just another pretty great Sunday

So we’re still challenged to get out littlest guy to eat. He just tuckers out so quickly. It’s sad. We have an appointment with the cardiologist on Wednesday. She was supposed to present his case to the cardiac surgery team to see if we could move forward with surgery. She was thinking the answer would be yes as he isn’t gaining weight anymore. The other option is the feeding tube.

Thankfully, Eli’s spirits are still up and he’s quite playful – when he’s awake! It’s hard to be disappointed that he won’t eat when he gives me this smile!

He did hit his minimum fluid intake yesterday – thanks to the persistence of my awesome hubby! We’re back to needing to get up once or twice in the middle of the night (he started sleeping through the night at one month old!) but whatever it takes we’ll do.

In other good, albeit unrelated news, Eli witnessed his first Seahawks playoff win! He really was very interested in the tv. It could’ve been more that he was interested in what his mommy and daddy were yelling at for the first quarter of the game. Luckily, we have perfected our kid friendly cursing and Cody didn’t learn any new words! Although, he did say “son of a biscuit” (I say that) which cracked me up!
Looks like we may have another diehard football fan in the Harrington fam!
