The anticipation is building…

It’s Super Bowl Sunday! I love this day. I love it even more because my beloved Seahawks are playing.

There’s a buzz around the city. Everywhere you look there’s something that represents the Seahawks. We have our flags up and our jerseys on. Even the Empire State Building in NYC has been lit up in Seahawks colors most of this week!

This is only the second time our team has been to the big game. Last time, 8 years ago, our hearts were left broken amongst whispers (or screams) of referee incompetence. I left the bar in tears. I was devastated. But, this time it’s different. We go in with the #1 ranked defense. Yes, we’re playing the team with the #1 ranked offense – but it’s been said many times before DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS. This is OUR year. We are ready. We’re all in!
